WVRA Participates in 2016 Jamboree on the Air

JOTA – well what can I say? Today’s Jamboree on the Air event was a great success. I want to thank Jack N9LIA and Bob W9BVX for their efforts in putting this special event together. I also want to thank Mike KB9DED for loaning us his trailer and assistance over the past couple of days getting everything ready. We were accompanied by Michael KB9VBR, Jerry W9GLG, Bob WB9RND, and Wendy KC9VIO who were busy keeping young scouts occupied and teaching them about our hobby.

This was also the inaugural run of the W9BVX Balloon Vertical. We successfully launched a weather balloon with about 200 feet of wire and used it as an antenna for over an hour until the balloon failed. We managed to make several contacts in the short time it was airborne in poor propagation conditions. But most importantly, we learned from the first attempt and have a game plan to make the next deployment even more successful!


Additionally, Bob W9BVX and Mike KB9DED have graciously donated a DIamond BB-7V 10-80 vertical antenna and tripod base to the club. This antenna will be used in our arsenal of antennas for Field Day for years to come!

In all, we had about 30 scouts come through the station, and many stayed for quite a while and asked a lot of questions. We also had many who were interested in earning their radio merit badge and we hope to put together a merit badge workshop this winter in conjunction with our tech class.

Again, thank you to all who helped put this successful event together!



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